Acne results when the skin's sebaceous glands produce too much oil, according to the AAD. That oil contributes to clogged pores at the skin's surface, and also provides an ideal environment for the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) to grow unchecked. The result is pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and inflammation. IPL acne treatments target and kill P. acnes, and also may shrink the sebaceous glands.

IPL is an ideal drug-free treatment for mild and moderate inflammatory acne, for which we get remarkable results. Acne is very often caused by internal factors such as hormonal imbalance, stress and food allergies. Ideally, the treatment should be combined with methods to deal with the underlying problem in order to clear the acne permanently.

This is a wonderful treatment for clearing an annoying spot or boil, especially before an important event where looking good is essential. In this case it would be best to use the treatment a week before the special date. It is also great for anyone with permanent acne, as they will greatly benefit from regular treatments.

This solution to dealing with acne is easy and essentially painless, as any potentially harmful wavelengths are filtered out by our advanced IPL system.

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For added peace of mind, we have detailed all the steps involved in the procedure. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

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